KRHS Counseling Center
Welcome to Kingswood
The KRHS Counseling Team is committed to your success. We strive to enrich your life at Kingswood High School by providing resources that enable you to make excellent choices in key areas of life. A combination of academic, therapeutic, and scholastic modalities are utilized to enhance the lives of our students, faculty and staff.
Counseling Center Contact Information
Ph. 603.569.2055 Fax. 603.569.2001
CEEB Code: 300636
Lara Crane MSW, Head of School Counseling ext. 1011
Kristan Sheffer MA, School Counselor ext. 1009
Wendy Huggard, M. Ed. School Counselor ext. 1019
Shelly Ispan-Laing, School Counselor ext. 1013
Shannon Cloos, School Social Worker ext. 1015
Kristine Giunco, Administrative Assistant ext. 1008
Lisa Simons, Registrar ext. 1010
Staff Emails: first name initial followed by last
Helpful Contact Information:
GWRSD & Middleton Transportation Department 569.2684
KRHS Athletic Department 569.8100
SAU Office 569.1658
Carroll Academy (Hi-Set/GED) 323.4621
NH Helpline 2-1-1